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Англо-русский словарь - programme


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Перевод с английского языка programme на русский

parade программа передач (объявляемая на текущий день)
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См. в других словарях

  1. программа party programme —- программа партии political programme —- политическая программа theatre programme —- театральная программа 2. комп. программа support programme —- служебная программа, вспомогательная программа programme control —- управляющая программа; программа управления master programme —- ведущая программа 3. отладка программы 4. испытания программы при сдаче в эксплуатацию programme body —- тело программы programme device —- спец. программирующее устройство, программный механизм 5. представление, спектакль; передача television programme —- телевизионная передача radio programme —- радиопередача 6. план (работы) training programme —- программа обучения programme picture —- "плановый" кинофильм, снимаемый без особых затрат 7. составлять программу или план 8. планировать the meeting is programmed for today —- собрание назначено на сегодня 9. спец. комп. программировать, задавать программу или последовательность операций to programme an algoritm —- запрограммировать алгоритм ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) программа 2) план (работы и т.п.) - acreage-allotment program - acreage-allotment programme - allocation program - continuous improvement program - diversionary programme - export program - export programme - investment program - investment programme - loan program - loan programme - operative program - operative programme - priority program - priority program - production program - program body - program budgeting - program builder - program director - program documentation - program for management training - program management - program manual - program of motivation - program optimization - program package - program planning - public assistance programmes - public assistance programs - public information program - public information programme - social security programmes - social security programs - stockpiling program - stockpiling programme - technical program - technical programme Syn: plan, scheme 2. гл. 1) составлять программу или план 2) программировать - programmed decision PROGRAMME 1. сущ. 1) общ. программа, план (работы и т. п.) to carry out programme, to implement a programme — осуществлять претворять в жизнь программу party programme — программа партии political programme — политическая программа theatre programme — театральная программа study programme — программа занятий Syn: plan See: single-use plan, project 2) СМИ представление, спектакль 3) комп. (компьютерная) программа а) (последовательность компьютерных операций, записанных по специальной форме, которую может распознать компьютер) б) (набор команд, которые указывают, какие операции должны быть выполнены и как это сделать) Syn:...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) программа 2) программировать 3) составлять план peak programme meter — пиковый вольтметр ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. (US program) --n. 1 a usu. printed list of a series of events, performers, etc. at a public function etc. 2 a radio or television broadcast. 3 a plan of future events (the programme is dinner and an early night). 4 a course or series of studies, lectures, etc.; a syllabus. 5 (usu. program) a series of coded instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine. --v.tr. (programmed, programming; US programed, programing) 1 make a programme or definite plan of. 2 (usu. program) express (a problem) or instruct (a computer) by means of a program. Phrases and idioms programme music a piece of music intended to tell a story, evoke images, etc. Derivatives programmable adj. programmability n. programmatic adj. programmatically adv. programmer n. Etymology: LL programma f. Gk programma -atos f. prographo write publicly (as PRO-(2), grapho write): spelling after F programme ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   chiefly British variant of program ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (programmes, programming, programmed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'program' 1. A programme of actions or events is a series of actions or events that are planned to be done. The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue... N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A television or radio programme is something that is broadcast on television or radio. ...a series of TV programmes on global environment. ...local news programmes. N-COUNT: oft n N 3. A theatre or concert programme is a small book or sheet of paper which gives information about the play or concert you are attending. N-COUNT 4. When you programme a machine or system, you set its controls so that it will work in a particular way. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times. VERB: V n to-inf 5. If a living creature is programmed to behave in a particular way, they are likely to behave in that way because of social or biological factors that they cannot control. We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to-inf, also be V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  , program ~1 BrE program AmE n 1 an important plan, especially one organized by a government or large organization  (a United Nations programme to control the spread of AIDS | the US space program) 2 a show or performance on television or radio, especially one that is played regularly  (Northern Exposure is my favorite TV program.) + abou  (There's a programme on about organic gardening.) 3 a set of planned activities in education or training, with a specific purpose  (Stanford University's MBA program | Lucy's new fitness programme includes a mile jog every morning.) 4 a printed description of what will happen at a play, concert etc and of the people who will be performing 5 the planned order of activities or events at a performance or meeting; schedule1 (1)  (The next race on today's programme is the King George V Handicap.) 6 a series of actions done in a particular order by a machine such as a washing machine  (The light goes off when it finishes its program.)  (- see also program1) ~2 BrE, program AmE v 1 be programmed to be made to behave or think in a particular way because of the influence of a society, group, or situation  (Are girls programmed at an early age not to be interested in science subjects?) 2 to set a machine to operate in a particular way  (I've programmed the video to come on at ten.)  (- see also program1) 3 to arrange for something to happen as part of a series of planned events or activities  (What's programmed for this afternoon?) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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